Harvesting in Prayer
With gratitude for a gorgeous Mosaic gathering last evening on the theme of Harvesting.
'And in this vision he also showed me a little thing the size of a hazelnut lying in the palm of my hand, as it seemed to me and it was round as a ball. I looked at it with my minds eye and thought ‘what can this be? And the answer came in a general way, like this ‘it is all there is’.
Julian of Norwich
With thanks to Marta for inspiring our sharing with her reflection.
We all have childhood memories of celebrating harvest time, with collections for the poor and some topical hymns. And now how do we as adult city dwellers relate to our food? its sowing, it’s harvesting and of course it’s journey to our plate? How do we teach our children the visceral husbandry of our food production?
We reflected together with gratitude for all that Gaia, great mother earth, gifts us and wondered what we are doing to protect those gifts.
Our bubbling sharing reflected the colourful altar brimming with seasonal colours and delights, the shining light reminded us that as the plants take up light for their growth, so we take in the light as we partake our food. We celebrated our light, and the light of all the world marking the wonderful festival of Divali.
We closed with a Hindu mantra for Divali:
‘Lead us from untruth to truth,
from darkness to light,
from death to immortality,
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.’ …….and we bounded outside giggling like children as we lit our sparklers! 💥💥