Let me tell your story
~ a legacy for your grandchildren & greatgrandchildren ~ in your own words ~
Everyone has a story to tell…..
Ordinary people lead the most extraordinary lives
…….I know this because in my work as a counsellor and as a funeral celebrant I have heard the most amazing stories of people who never became famous on Instagram or featured in the broadsheet obituaries but whose life has been packed with adventure, achievements, an astounding perspective, stories of coincidences, overcoming adversity, love, loss, hard work.
Each one of us has a story to tell
…..the question is how are these stories told? Do we wait until our funeral to have our life story told and then by someone who may know the details of my career but has no idea of the voluntary work I did, who may know all my children but has no idea of the importance of my relationship with people around the world that I’ve met on my travels.
How the service works:
The service that I offer includes an initial meeting with you either face to face or online, whichever you prefer. This meeting will be to clarify how you would like your story told and to set up our contract. There is no charge for this initial consultation.
Should you wish to proceed I require 50% of the total cost as a non refundable deposit.
For most clients a 1,000 words is perfect for a good telling of your story, with x2 two hour meetings and two opportunities for editing. Your story will be presented digitally on a personalised USB stick and in a printed booklet.
Total cost: £175
For longer stories ~ each additional 500 words = £50.
Each story is presented in a booklet & on a personalised USB stick
A perfect gift?
Do you have a friend or family member with a significant birthday coming up?
The gift of recording their story for posterity could be the perfect gift.
And one that you would also treasure.
For more information do get in touch: anne@revannecross.com / 07720841826