…..in fact .....any life event may be celebrated, mourned or marked by the creating and delivering of a personalised and meaningful ceremony.
Your wedding day is probably the biggest event you will plan in your lives, with so many options available to you from the gin tent to the bouncy castle to the .....ceremony. Ah yes! the central part of the celebration that can be the most tricky - with differing family expectations, marriage law (so complicated in England) and everything from music to readings to think about.
It is my joy to guide couples through the planning of this ceremony, offering spacious meetings, infinite resources and the creation of a ceremony tailored perfectly to you as a couple ..... and one that Great Aunt is pleased to be present at - yes it can be done!
As an independent minister I create unique ceremonies for you. I start with you - your traditions, your beliefs and your hopes for the ceremony. Anything is possible! I have many resources to help you decide on the exact focus for the ceremony you want to celebrate.
Always such a delight to create Baby Blessing or Baby Naming ceremonies. Such freedom to write unique ceremonies according to family beliefs or customs and to involve family members in the service to the extent they would like.
How to keep a 3 year old still for his naming ceremony? - Build him a throne!
Marley James Baby Blessing
Ordinary people live the most extraordinary lives. Funeral's can be a wonderful time to celebrate the unique person that your loved one was to you. Every funeral that I am privileged to lead is individually created to reflect the beliefs and customs of the deceased and their family. If you are planning a funeral for the first time, at a time when you are feeling such grief for your loss, you may feel overwhelmed and confused, you may have no idea what a service may entail or you may have very definite ideas - however it is for you, it is my joy to guide you through the planning and to deliver a perfect celebration of life for your loved one.
Pre-funeral planning
It is a sad fact that many people die unexpectedly .... we all know that's a possibility for ourselves but often we choose not to think too much about it - we may think that would be a rather gloomy thought process. It's my experience that it is exactly the opposite! Actually taking time to talk about your beliefs, your customs and to think about how they would influence a celebration of your life, to talk about your life journey and have that crafted into a tribute that may be read at your funeral can be a very meaningful thing to do. And will influence how you carry on living. I couldn't guarantee that I would be around to lead your funeral service but I can guarantee that your funeral service, whenever it happens, will be richer and more personal - and your relatives will be reassured that they are doing the very best for you. Do contact me to discuss a way to do this that would suit you.